Unit G – Layout and Composition

In this unit, students will be introduced to the basics of layout an composition.

Learning Goals

  • Student consistently demonstrates effective use of emphasis in layout to point the viewer towards the message.
  • Student consistently demonstrates effective use of contrast in layout to point the viewer towards the message.
  • Student consistently demonstrates effective use of hierarchy in layout to point the viewer towards the message.
  • Student consistently demonstrates effective use of balance.
  • Student consistently demonstrates effective choice of colors (fitting to message and audience).
  • Student consistently demonstrates understanding of outside margins.
  • Student creates an effective advertising campaign concept (shows the message clearly in text, colors and design elements).
  • Student creates different the graphics in different sizes and formats while keeping the overall idea.


  1. Layout and Composition Basics
  3. School Dance Advertising
    1. Fall: Tolo 2024 Advertising
    2. Winter: Prom 2024 Advertising
    3. Spring: Homecoming 2024 Advertising
  4. Text Portrait