High School Art Show at Bayview Corner 2018

Posted in: Design Competitions, Photography Competitions

From the organizer: “This art show is intended to demonstrate youths’ response to the social conditions around them, rather than simply being a showcase for young peoples’ more general artistic capacities. We’re looking for art with a message, as we seek to encourage a dialogue between youth and adults about what is to be celebrated and what is to be mourned about today’s world. So many adults have told us that they don’t have a window into what youth are thinking these days, and they would like to start a dialogue with youth.”

Sign up to participate no later than April 8, 2018!

What to submit:

  • Artwork (photograph or design) that shares your reactions/responses to today’s world.
  • Signed Artist Waiver

How to participate:

  • Tell Mrs. Jansen you want to participate.
  • Submit artwork to the Graphic Arts Server –> Dropbox –> Art Show Submissions
  • Artwork will then be printed on special paper and mounted on mat board to present.


  • $150 for best overall
  • Additional prizes from $25-$100

Dates of Art Show: May 11–June 11, 2018
Location: Bayview Cash Store, 5603 Bayview Road, Langley